Color Instructions

Novem color instructions let's you create complex color profiles to go along with your visualisation. Highlight structures, values and relationships in your data with ease.

Now that you’ve seen the default novem colors we believe it’s helpful to also add some details of how the colors are used.

Most of the time novem colors are used as part of a novem color instruction (nci). NCIs are used all over our platform, from borders, backgrounds and text colors in a table, to gridlines, countries and regions in a map.


At its most basic an nci consists of a single color reference, either to a novem color such as red-500 or a hex code such as #dc3545 (we always recommend the use of novem color names if possible, as they can overwritten by theme instructions).

While NCIs can be a standalone color, in actuality NCIs contain a second, optional, color code. This second color is the darkmode version to be used for the color (if present, the darkmode color will override the theme darkmode option).

Static Colors

Dynamic colors




Color Range

Color Domain






Custom gradient with domain

Below is probably one of the more complex nei instructions you can create, here we are constructing an exponentially scaled gradient with three colors and a custom input domain, using both fixed points and underlying data.

The optional domain instructor is always ordered smallest to highest value of the underlying dataset if used.
