Colors & Themes
In the world of data visulaisation colors are a hidden superpower. With a single value they can convey good or bad, large or small, important or superfluous, professional or personal, expensive or cheap. But colors can also be deeply personal, cultural or inaccessible.
Novem Colors
Every novem visualisation has a color theme, the theme dictates which names gets mapped to which color. By default all visualisations use the standard novem color scheme which is outlined below. For professional and up novem also offers the option to create your own, custom, color schemes.
Every novem color scheme offers a few different color names that will be translated into a color. Each name has one light and one dark mode version. Below is an example shoing the default novem color names along with their light and dark colors.
The base colors
The simple novem colors have only a light and a dark version. They are intended to be used for things such as text, highlights, links, lines, notices, alerts, borders and similar. Their name along with their colors are listed below.
ok and success
warn and warning
alert and danger
info and notice
The palettes
The categories
cat 10 cat 10a cat 20 cat 20a
The gradients
diverging linear etc