
This document explains the markdown used by novem.


A brief history of markdown

Where can I use novem markdown

Novem markdown comes in two flavours, simple and advanced.

Simple markdown includes everything listed below and can be used everywhere you use text on the novem platform. This includes in chart and table data (such as heading, legends etc) as well as captions, titles, descriptions, names etc.

Advanced markdown includes everything mentioned in simple markdown, but also allows you to add more advanced features. Advanced markdown is only possible to use in special locations, currently document and e-mail content files.

Simple markdown

Simple markdown is intended to allow you access to rich formatting features for your short, as well as long form text. In addition we want you to be able to embed footnotes and superscript in your visuals, as such, all novem text fields support simple markdown.


Novem support 5 levels of headings denoted by the hash charracter in front of the text.

# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5


Novem also allows formatted and nested quotes using the > charracter.

> This is a quote
>> This is a double quote
>>> This is a triple quote

This is a quote

This is a double quote

This is a triple quote


Markdown lists can be created using * to create unordered lists and 1. 2. etc to create ordered ones.

* item one
* item two
  * sub item two - one
  * sub item two - two
  • item one
  • item two
    • sub item two - one
    • sub item two - two
1. item one
2. item two
3. item three
  1. item one
  2. item two
  3. item three

Bold and italic

Bold and italics are created with two and three * respectivly.

It's easy to add **strong**, 
*italic* and ***strong italic*** 
emphasis with markdown.

It’s easy to add strong, italic and strong italic emphasis with markdown.

Super and sub script

This is a ~test~ and a ^^test^^

Advanced Markdown

With advanced markdown novem is expanding on the more classic markdown syntax by adding blocks with special meaning. These blocks allow you to control additional aspects of your visualisation, be it including plots in e-mails or pages in reports.


Novem markdown has a special multi line construct called a section. The section start with three equal signs followed by a type. You can then provide a set of options in yaml format before another three equal signs signify the end.


Examples of this would be page breaks, callouts, visualisations, images etc.

Some more complex sections allows both a start and closing section such as a callout, in this case the callout section is closed with a leading /.


{{ callout
  type: warn
  border: none

Content of the callout body in **markdown** format

{{ /callout }}


Layouts / Pages

