
This document gives a basic outline of how novem e-mail recipients work.


E-mails (or mails for short), like most other novem visuals follows the same hierarchical folder structure that you’re used to seeing. Mails are mostly similar to Documents in that it has a primary file content where most of the information for the mail is stored.

In addition to the content file, there are also supporting files and folders containing information such as recipients, attachments, configuration etc.

Below is an illustrative exmaple of an overall e-mail structure.

daily_email_summary      => E-mail ID
├── recipients           => Who should recieve the e-mail
│   ├── to               => List of primary recpients
│   ├── cc               => List of cc recipients
│   └── bcc              => List of bcc recipients


Sending an e-mail is fairly straight forward, simply POST sent to the status endpoint in the mail structure and all valid recipients in the recipients folder (to, cc, bcc) will recieve an e-mail.

For testing purposes the word test can also be written. This will send and e-mail to the registered and verified address of the current user for testing purposes.

Valid recipients and restrictions

  • For free account holders, the only valid recipient is the registered and verified e-mail address of the user.
  • Basic users are allowed up to five global recipients (any e-mail address) and 20 novem users @username.
  • For premium users the limit is 25 global users and 200 novem users.
  • Enterprise use is negotiated on a per case basis.

To avoid spamming or the sending of unwanted e-mails, novem always adds an unsubscribe link to the footer of our e-mails. If a recipient unsubscribes from an e-mail then no more e-mails from that particular ID will be sent to that recipient again.

If a new e-mail is created with the same recipient and the recipient unsubscribes from that id as well, then no further e-mails from the sending account will be delievered to that recipient unless the recipient chooses to explicitly whitelist the account.

There are several other anti-spam techniques as well, but those are the most common errors you should expect to see.