
Controlling your novem plots

By default your plot will follow the standard novem style, but that might not fit every situation. To remidy that novem offers an extensive set of options to control your visualisation.

This section explains the available options as well as how to interact with it through our API. If you’re using one of our libraries then there might be some helper functions to make these changes.


As with all other novem interactions, the plot configuration can be modelled as a tree structure of different files, or endpoints, you can modify. This is done by writing a HTTP POST request with the content to the correct URI.

Below is an overview of the available options along with their path and a short description. For more information bout the individual options check out their respective documentation pages.

plot_name                       => Name
├── config                      => Configuration options
│   ├── axis                    => Axis options
│   │   ├── location            => 
│   │   ├── anchor              => 
│   │   ├── ticks               => 
│   │   ├── domains             => 
│   │   ├── scale               => 
│   │   ├── margin              => 
│   │   ├── overlap             => 
│   │   ├── labels              => 
│   │   ├── multi               => 
│   │   ├── padding             => 
│   │   ├── offset              => 
│   │   └── range               => 
│   ├── bg                      => Plot Background related controls
│   │   ├── type                => The type of background (grid, lines)
│   │   ├── align               => Control background axis alignment
│   │   ├── stroke              => Control background stroke styles
│   │   ├── colors              => Control background box and line colors
│   │   └── label               => Control background label positioning
│   ├── colors                  => 
│   │   ├── type                => 
│   │   ├── theme [TODO]        => 
│   │   └── colors              => 
│   ├── table                   => table specific settings
│   │   ├── index               => control table index
│   │   ├── size                => size of table xs-lg
│   │   └── cell                => Format table cells
│   │       ├── align           => number alignment
│   │       ├── border          => control table borders
│   │       ├── text            => font information (weight, style, color)
│   │       ├── format          => number and text format
│   │       ├── padding         => cell padding
│   │       ├── width           => cell width
│   │       └── merge           => merge cells across cols and rows
│   ├── legend                  => 
│   │   ├── type                => The kind of legend
│   │   ├── position            => Position of the legend
│   │   ├── orientation         => 
│   │   └── format              => Format of the individual legend item
│   ├── labels                  => 
│   │   └── anchor              => 
│   ├── interactive             => 
│   │   ├── format              => 
│   │   └── highlight           => 
│   ├── render                  => 
│   │   ├── template            => Template to render against
│   │   ├── orientation         => Landscape or Portrait orientation
│   │   └── scale               => 
│   ├── geo                     => Map/geo specific options
│   │   ├── zoom                => 
│   │   └── projection          => 
│   ├── caption                 => Caption below chart
│   ├── theme                   => 
│   ├── title                   => Title of chart
│   └── type                    => bar, sbar, gbar etc...