Create charts like never before

Novem offers a cutting edge data visualisation platform with a comprehensive charting library. Create beautiful visualisations straight from your data — no connectors or integration necessary.

Our charts are self-documenting and live, ensuring data accuracy and identifying the point of contact. Save time by creating the final presentation as part of your research process.

Do it all without compromising on brand, design or message.

Always live

Novem charts always reflects the latest data. Our API is fully scriptable and data is presented in real time.

Zero integration

We flip the relationship on the head. Novem requires zero connectors or database access. You share the data you want to share, when you want to share it.

Secure and seamless.

Next generation workflows

Automate everything with the novem libraries and APIs. Integarte novem with your existing workflows and research processes.

Get board level presentations, ready to go, as soon as your analysis is complete.

Bespoke branding

Never compromise — import your current branding and design guidelines. Colors, fonts, axis, design and more.

Work with the novem team to adjust everything exactely to your needs.

Encourage collaboration

Share and reuse charts across your organisation. Embed risk and compliance views in your investment reports.

Know everyones perspective and make informed decisions.

See the bigger picture

Don't stop with charts, continue the process by creating documents, e-mails and dashboards. Use the same live charts, data and ownership.

Do it in seconds and automate it all.

Information as it happens

  • Live data, always up to date
  • Everyone on the same page
  • Dynamic transitions, understand the change
  • Easy to update, easy to automate

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